Evening with Governor of Punjab.Lahore – Dr Attaulwadood – Daily Notable
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By Dr Attaulwadood
Recently I met Chaudhary Muhammad Sarwar, in a media talk organised at Governor house Lahore, He briefly explained the Hindu-Pak terms.
The violation on the line of control (from India) and in return, humble gesture of Kartarpur corridor (from Pakistan).
So, Prime Minister of Pakistan is following the vision of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the vision of peace. Also, the Government is empowering women labor by giving them jobs in Textile Industry.
Pakistan’s General Sales Tax is increasing which shows the enrichment of democracy.
Furthermore, Pakistan is overcoming terrorism by the help of Armed Forces, Political and Religious parties and the great collaboration of Public. So, the internal security issues are declining, as a result, the tourism is increasing and people have started visiting Pakistan more often.
Because Only Together We Can
India and Pakistan don’t have bad terms in reality. There are many misconceptions which are leading to the bad terms. For instance, the weapon culture and the drug culture was introduced by France in both countries. So, there are no sound bases of dispute among two countries.
However, if India solves the Kashmir issue with negotiation, then two countries will have good terms.
Heritage And Monuments
Governor also gave importance in securing the heritage. Pakistan has many monuments and memorable places regarding different religions. Like there are important temples, churches and the graves of the many important personalities. So, if we work more on the security issues then Pakistan can earn much by tourism.
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And it’s happening we can see that how the cricket teams of Srilanka and Bangladesh came across the borders to give a message of peace.
Political Career
He added, his political career as well. On a reply to a question he mentioned his victory of 1997. In 1997, the present Chief Minister of Scotland lost the elections of Parliament against him.
So, we can see that our government has such people who can lead us to the direction of victory. He added that now on government is going to focus more in the issues of a common man. And they shall try to deplore the “Ghareeb and Ameer culture”.
Because Only Together We Can