Letter To The Editor – Covid 19 Class Difference – Daily Notable
Letter to the Editor Daily Notable
Dear Sir
As lock downs ease, who will be safe from Corona Virus? And will the risk of exposure fall along the lines of rich and poor? Economists at the University of Oxford found a direct correlation between the pay and physical proximity at work.
If you are higher paid at your job, you will come into physical contact with the fewer people and if you’re paid more you are also more likely to be able to work from home. Yet there are big differences between countries on this. Only 5% of people in a country like Mozambique can work from home, in Turkey and Mexico it’s 25% and in the UK or Sweden it’s 40%. People of lesser means are more likely to use public transport.
Those who can afford it can use private cars or taxis, exposing them to a smaller number of people, their drivers are still exposed. Data from the UK governments has shown that taxi and cab drivers had a much higher death rate than the average.
The poorer you are the more likely you will be to live close to other people, where multiple generations share one home and the risk of passing the virus to older people is higher. Asthma, diabetes and heart conditions all risk factors for Covid-19 and poverty linked to these underlying health problems.
In some developing countries that have badly hit by Covid-19, like India, Brazil, and Mexico. Those who are dying seem to be younger. The places where healthcare is really lacking, the rich and powerful can choose to go abroad.
All of this may moot once a vaccine discovered, but who will get it first?
Maryam Khan
Islamabad, 44000
Really appreciated
Thank you
Very insightful and well comprehended.
Madam very well written and outstanding grip on topic
Highly appreciated
Thanks Sir
Highly appreciated✌
Good work!
Thanks miss
Really Great topic
Yes, we must know the actual reality
very valuable topic
No doubt it is
A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy finding solutions. Well done.
Thanks alot sir, just keep on reading my content
Excellent work as always………………keep growing……………..!!!
I am glad and honored Mr, Editor of the Daily Notable, Attaulwadood, for your cooperation and support in publishing my letter in your daily esteemed. Thanks a lot sir.
My letter is about the class difference. I’ve explained what are the benefits for the rich ones during Covid-19 and what are the disadvantages faced by the poor ones during this pandemic. At the end, I have raised a question for all the readers that once the vaccine is made who will get it first?
Doing a good job is not always about impressive innovation. Sometimes it is only about doing something with plain dedication. Well done.
Surely sir, Thank you
good work
Good Work☺
Keep it up??
In my opinion after reading your content, the rich ones will get the vaccine first… as they are already having many advantages. Who thinks about the poorer lives?!
Maybe yes, maybe no. Looking at the actions which are PM took for the poor ones during the pandemic, It seems he would figure out something to get the vaccine accessible for the poor ones too.
Got it
Do you think anyone even care for the poorer lives ?
Ms. Maryam your content says a lot on its own but do you think the vaccine could be made? Because I personally don’t, it’s been quite long that our so called advanced and modern world hasn’t come up with the discovery of a virus vaccine.
How will the spread of virus stop in the poorer ones? As you already mentioned they live closely to others?
Very well written, Excellent Work madam great research about the topic and again we’ll written..
Keep it up
Highly Appreciated? keep up the good work ?
This is very creatively explained yet im curious that how can we solve the problem before knowing who can solve the problem?
According to my point of view
This is first time there’s no class difference rich and poor are equally effected
the people living together specially those who are living in small houses they are at great risk
More over this is first time that due to this pandemic rich can’t go abroad for there treatment because there’s no vaccine
And i must say good job ?
Resources acces difference between the poor and the rich will always be there in our society like Pakistan. But as you mentioned here about unavailability of covid 19 vaccine and also if it will be available in future then it will only be in the approach of the rich then it is Govt prime responsibility to make the vaccine available to everyone irrespect of the status.
But having said that, having wheat mafia sugar mafia petrol mafi, it will be a difficult task for the management.
Marium khan well noticed and highlighted by you.. Keep it up.. It will make our people aware about this burning and serious issue ever faced in the history of mankind
Very informative .keep up the good work ? highly Appreciated?
Very informative .keep up the good work highly Appreciated
How will the spread of virus stop in the poorer ones? As you already mentioned they live closely to others?
Keep it up miss maryam, your contents are worth reading.
Amazing work
Great work
Great Work
Nice Work dear ❤
Very informative article
Very well written! Its rare to see dat kinda writers. a good topic! Very good grip on words! You can be a professional fo sure!
Good work…..
I have a question. Who do you think will get the vaccine first? What are your predictions about the vaccine? What a great work maryam, keep on writing girl.
Great to read such informative article. Hope to find more from you.
Your attitude & work level suits us here, so i want to acknwledge ur extra effort keep up the good work!
Highly appreciated..good points and very well explained.keep it up!
Very informative good work
your attitude & work level suits us here, Soo i want to acknowledge urr extra effort keep up the good work..
Nice work
Very informative Nice efforts keep it up….
It’s always pleasure to read your content, it’s amazing and we all should think about this because vaccine is right of every poor and rich but due to discrimination in our society, i think it’ll reach to rich people first.
Great yr ? excellent ?
It’s always pleasure to read your contents, you always takk about authentic issues. Vaccine is right of every poor and rich but due to discrimination in our country, i think rich one will get it first.
great work
Very well written. Shows good understanding of the ongoing scenarios. If you were to propose a solution that focuses on the people who cannot afford luxuries, what would you suggest?
Very informative good effort.. keep it up..
Highly appreciated..good points and very well explained.keep it up!
Good effort