Nuclear Weapons in Developed Countries – Dr Attaulwadood – Daily Notable
By Dr Attaulwadood
Poverty is considered to be the major issue & it is said by eradicating poverty we can have peaceful & harmonious world.
Alas major economies of world that is developed counties are spending way too much on nuclear weapons.
In this article I would like to summarize there spending’s & may be it would be sufficient to silence the critics who are blaming government for our own defense budget.
1. US Spending on Nuclear Weapons
United States of America is considered to be the most developed country in the world but according to Wikipedia US has failed to eradicate poverty.
According to recent stat the percentage of Americans living in poverty is 11.8% i.e (38.1 million people).
In the U.S., 890,000 high school students drop out before graduating.
That’s a student dropping out of high school every 35 seconds.
Moreover, the nuclear spending of US is 35.4 Billion Dollars & it is not there entire defense budget it is just a portion of it.
Its total defense expenditure is 732 Billion Dollars.

2. China’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
China is spending 10.4 Billion Dollars on nuclear weapons only on nuclear weapons only.
The total number of people living below China’s national poverty line of 2,300 yuan per year is 16.6 million.
Moreover its total defense expenditure is 261 billion Dollars.
3. Russia’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
Russia is the second biggest spender on nuclear weapons it’s total nuclear spending is 8.5 Billion $.
Whereas about poverty in Russia the stats show that approximately 19.2 million of Russians live below the national poverty line.
It is about one-fifth Russian living under poverty.
Moreover Its total spending on defense is 65.1 Billion Dollars.

4. UK’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
UK is the fourth biggest country in spending on nuclear weapons it is spending 8.9 billion Dollars.
While poverty in UK is rising, According to Wikipedia as of 2017, 20% of UK people live in poverty including 8 million working-age adults, 4 million children and 1.9 million pensioners.
Moreover UK’s total spending is 38.09 billion Dollars.
5. France’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
France is spending 10.4 Billion Dollars on nuclear weapons only on nuclear weapons only.
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According to the latest trends posted by IN-SEE, 14% of the French population (8,8 million people) are considered poor.
Moreover It’s total defense expenditure is 30.24 billion dollars.

6. India’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
India is the sixth nation which is spending about 2.3 Billion Dollars on its nuclear weapons alone.
However India had 73 million people living in extreme poverty which makes up 5.5% of its total population.
It’s total defense expenditure is 71.12 Billion Dollars.
7. Pakistan’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
Pakistan is spending about 1 Billion Dollars on its nuclear weapons.
Whereas in Pakistan about 12.4% of Pakistanis live below in Pakistan’s definition of poverty as well as, recently it has quite dramatically reduced its poverty.
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According to the World Bank, poverty in Pakistan fell from 64.3% in 2002 to 29.5% in 2014.
Moreover total defense expenditure of Pakistan is 10.25 Billion Dollars.
8. Israel’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
Israel’s total nuclear spending is about 1 Billion Dollars which is about the same of Pakistan.
A report issued by the OECD in 2016 ranks Israel as the country with the highest rates of poverty among its members.
Moreover, Approximately 21 percent of Israelis were found to be living under the poverty line.
Moreover. total defense expenditure of Israel is 20.46 Billion Dollars.

9. North Korea’s Spending on Nuclear Weapons
North Korea’s nuclear spending is 0.6 billion dollars.
Poverty in North Korea is extensive, though reliable statistics are hard to come by due to lack of reliable research, pervasive censorship and extensive media manipulation in North Korea.
However, it estimated that 60% of the total population of North Korea live below the poverty line in 2020.
Total defense expenditure of North Korea is 8.77 billion dollars.
According to UN poverty facts & figures
- 736 million people lived below the international poverty line of US$ 1.90 a day in 2015.
- In 2018, almost 8 per cent of the world’s workers and their families lived on less than US$1.90 per person per day.
- Most people living below the poverty line belong to two regions: Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
- High poverty rates often found in small, fragile and conflict-affected countries.
- As of 2018, 55 per cent of the world’s population have no access to at least one social protection cash benefit.
- With all the spending on nuclear weapons & on defense we cannot make world peaceful unless or until we halve poverty.
- Everyone should have access to the basic needs & only then we can make this world peaceful & harmonious.
Because Only Together We Can
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Very well written and researched and I must say this is a great topic to talk on.
I wonder what will we see in future as balance of power term has taken us to this situation that God forbid we never know anytime we can witness nuclear war which will be devastating for all humanity.
Good work keep it up we always pray for your success
very good article beautifully is the need of the hour that all countries thought serouisly of this arsenol that has the potentiol of destroying all the humanity in a blink of an eye. keep writing such thought provoking articles.
It was really a treat to read such a well articulated and thoroughly researched article on Strategic capabilities. With all the spending on nuclear weapons & especially the ever increasing pace of nuclear race in South Asia i feel the future would see even higher defence spendings and more countries striving to join the nuclear club. The world leaders/ global powers should rationally think on these lines if they wish to make this world a peaceful place.
Good work
Well done fully researched artical on strategic capiblites.This is the time of people should think about the powers.
We want peaceful country
Well done keep it up
Nice one
Sir, Beautiful piece of writing. Peace and amity is the need of hour. Expenditure on defence need to be rationalised.
Really great informative
Well if the entire expenditure of defense be used to eradicaye poverty then I guess not a single person would be poor.
Very well written and informative. I must say we have to talk about this.
Good news
Good news publishing well
Only strong and intellectual person can underline the strengths of nation. Your opinion is Worthy. Thank you so much for writing.
Good work
Very informative article based on facts and showing economy condition of the world’s important countries. It reveals that huge amount is being spent on atomic weapons which is very alarming.
Well articulated
Awesome work indeed sir
Poverty and defense are two different subjects so not linked each other. Further in defense, budget for Nuclear Weapon is another different subject. Most prosperous countries e.g Norway, New Zealand, Denmark don’t have priority for Nuclear Weapon budget although they have budget for defense. Advance countries have their on priorities to spend a certain amount on Nuclear Weapon.
Regarding to remove poverty they are for better in providing work and job both for their own peoples and for millions of foreigners who have best earnings there from the country they belongs to.
Pakistan is a different country in the world with no planning for defense budget or budget to remove poverty. While it has to plan for both according to the need of the surroundings.
Our defense budget is for the enjoyment of services employee who got jobs even after their retirement, how can we move towards the better poverty rate for an ordinary people?
Nuclear Weapon Subject of Pakistan has been rolled over since long from sources. We have to do something for Poverty like Japan who has far better economy without being nuclear power.
Keep the good work up!
Very good information
Great sir nice to see another informative artical
Great Research good work
Quite informative article
Dr sahib very well written.we need more article like this.Thanks
It is high time to renounce the doctrine of militarization. The proliferation of nuclear arsenals is drastic and dangerous for world. Great write up sir
excellent presentation