Letter To The Editor – Play With Humanity And Religion – Daily Notable
Letter to the Editor Daily Notable
Dear Editor
I would like to talk about the use of religion for violence against the humanity. Look around yourself and you will see millions of human beings killed in the name of religion in today’s world. Although, no religion allows the killing of innocent, then why?
According to my opinion, nobody has a right to say that “if you do not belong to my religion than you have no right to live.” I do not want to blame any government, but the perception of public plays an important role in this cruelty.
An Indian great politician Jawaharlal Nehru once said:
“In the name of religion many great and fine deeds have been performed. In the name of religion also, thousand and millions have been killed, and every possible crime has been committed.”
“No one should use the name of God to commit violence,” Pope Francis said at the Catholic University in Albania. “To kill in the name of God is a grave sacrilege. To discriminate in the name of God is inhuman.”
Sadly, there are so many examples in the world regarding to this crime, and number of articles written on this problem in which many examples mentioned. Humanity as a whole has to stand up for the rights of humans to live and remain free of all sorts of oppression in the name of any creed, idea or religion.
We all should raise our voice so that we can get rid of this inhuman practice, which is perpetrated by many organized and scattered groups. Please stops killing humanity, in the name of religion, otherwise no one will be left on the planet earth.
Thanks to Dr. Attaul Wadood, the editor of the Daily Notable. Who publish my letters that means a lot to me.
And I am very grateful to the editor who supports Pakistan’s future in giving them the opportunity to show their abilities. Thanks so much once again.
I chose this subject because there are so many people in today’s modern world who murdered humanity for their personal interest on behalf of religion. How a person who belongs to any religion can kill an innocent person. Because no religion allows humanity to be killed, every religion guides good things.
In my opinion, if someone kills an innocent person, in the name of religion, it would not belong to any religion.
What do you think is allowed to kill humanity in the name of religion, or is it all right?
Please ask questions on this issue and share your views in the comment section on this issue. I am happy to have a debate with you on this matter.
Impressive work ma’am!
Thank you sir, if you have any query regarding to this you can ask.
Good work ma’am
Thanks sir for your complement.
Good work
Thanks Sir
I think we can committ any type of crime in the name of religion.
Well written I hope everyone read this and respect every religion .we are not here to judge any body only ALLAH Almighty has power
Please keep it up
Exactly you’re right Mam
I wish if we Pakistanis had courage to talk about our own minorities who are being persecuted in the name of religion specially Ahmadis & Shia
Exactly also about Qadyanis because first of all they are Humans being than belongs to any religion
I think first of all we should need to start from our country, like in our countries many minorities face this cruelty.
Nice working
Thanks Sir
good work
Thanks Mr.Danish
Very good Mam, this types of issues need attention of everyone, nd I think no religious person can kill the innocents.
No one have right to kill someone in the name of religion, Yes you’re absolutely right.
God give us lessons to love, help nd care humanity in every religion.
Religious people can’t do this nd if someone kill in the name of religion than I don’t think they are religious people.
Yes you’re right, Every religion guides good things nd God like those who love humanity instead of killing
Thanks Mr.Danish
No religion taught us to do any kind of violence but their are some groups which are spreading hate between us each other by killing in the name of religion. You have done a great job to create awareness about this thing.
There are so many examples on internet regarding to this crime. Like how can educated people in modern world support this types of crime, nd why they don’t say anything about this.
Mashallah Good Work Sis
Thanks Mr. Mahin, what you think about it?
So you are doing a good thing
So how we can stop these groups?
Great job
No religion taught us to do any kind of violence but their are some groups which are spreading hate between us each other by killing in the name of religion. You have done a great job to create awareness about this thing.
Thanks Mr. Nabeel what’s your opinion about this topic nd issue
In modern world everyone have right to live without fear, nd am shocked how in modern world this type of crime can be committed.
Unfortunately the use if religion for personal Interest still going on.
You are absolutely right. but who will stop it?
Public can stop this, because public doesn’t support the culprit and only believe on proofs.don’t trust on rumors.
Mostly people supports the culprit rather than victim cuz culprit says that I killed him/her in the name of religion.
So here we can ask from culprit that give me proofs than I’ll believe on you. Otherwise you have to pay.
You are absolutely right 100 percent
Thanks Mr,
How should take action against these groups government or local citizens?
How should we take action against thes groups govt. Or local citizens ?
Unity can do everything thing, if people can stand against this crime, than scattered group can’t use the name of religion for their personal Interest.
Whosoever killed a person..
It shall be as if he had killed all mankind..
Absolutely right
Well done buddy
Thanks dear
Humanity is but a single brotherhood
So make peace your own brethren..
There are so many examples on internet regarding to this crime. Like how can educated people in modern world support this types of crime, nd why they don’t say anything about this.
OK gud
Thanks Mr. Nabeel
Unfortunately the use if religion for personal Interest still going on.
Right ?
Thanks Miss.Merry
Great work
Thanks Sir
Very Nice Adina Good work Keep it up
Thanks Sir.
Thanks to all of you who support me and encourage me
Keep it up,,,,,u really doing a great work,,,,well done