Living a Waking Dream – Blogs And Opinions – Daily Notable
By Our Editorial Desk, Amina Sadiq
A Modern Idea
Recently there has been occurrence of an exceedingly perplexing scenario. Accordingly,
the very inkling of indulging in probing the ailment of modernity seemed transfixing.
What is it like ruminating about the concept of modernism indeed? Living in the twenty-
first century where distances are reducing, the level of efficiency is rising to reach the
rocketing heights, from having new diet schemes to achieve the best possible outwardly
shape. The people find themselves embarking upon the road to progress. They adorn
themselves with impressive attires. They adopt a mode of language, blunt and wayward,
though there are charts of loss of character, honor, and credibility.
Are We ‘The Hollow Men?’
We may assume to have stabilized our minds in meeting the best possible. It may be
requirement of equipping ourselves, breathing in today’s world. In beholding, rather
owning such an entirety termed to be self, how do we exist? Are our hearts throbbing or
are we merely passing our lives aimlessly? The desires, hopes, and dreams we endure are
according to the standards, which most of us find absent in leisure. Considering that we
are destining solace in want to achieve unreachable serenity. Consequently, desiring the
undesirable compels man to endeavor for setting targets, challenges, and duties revolving
around acquiring the finest of materials.
Because Only Together We Can
Correlation with Mental Disorders
A cut throat competition blights our souls as there is a deep desire to leave others behind.
It is a result of feelings of insecurity and irrationality. Moreover, wondering about our perpetual
enmity to be innate? Isn’t it prominent that the plaguing another side inside of us wanting
it is to instigate the sentiment of living in an elusive world?

Now and then, there are people suffering from anxiety, depression, eating disorders and mental illnesses that
physically damage them aspiring to have showy life-styles.
Soul over Substance
Nevertheless, the idea to look appealing has terrifically spread in our society where
individuals generally lack interest in the refinement of their souls. The virtue of wisdom,
real aspirations have lost their worth and the ratio of talented individuals is tarnishing due
to denial of one’s actual self. We have set barriers while aiming to envision a fallacy. In
terms of finding the best possible scenario for ourselves, we overlook and lose all that is
in our hands.
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Road to Excellence
In earnest, development, continuity and adaptability are aims. There is an absence of a
proper methodology. The circumstances make us followers, rather than leaders.
Notwithstanding the Islamic code of life, decoded by the Holy Prophet Mohammad
(Peace be upon Him), centuries ago ideal, was the actual way of leading a better life? He
implemented it through his words and actions. The designation is not entirely for
claiming intellectual superiority or high ranks in piety. On the contrary, the purpose of
this argument is to explore an avenue to reach your hearts. The undertaking to batter
inwardly is not to preach, rather to comprehend, understand and grasp the secrets of
leading a blissful life.
Reviving the Absolute Fancy
Conversely, to acknowledge the absolute truth, before adopting a technique of
remarkably modern style Moreover, we should connect to a time-tested means of enjoining our
hearts with one another. Where unity would be the purpose and enlightenment would be
the vision, the waking dream. However, it is known through first-hand experiences that a set of
rules must be effectively and efficiently followed. Moreover, the felicity of fostering beauty is
propagated from within. Whereas, it transcends demarcation based on complexion, symmetrical
features, shapes, sizes, forms and deformities encompassing our horizon of pondering.
The perfect beaming smile appears from inside of our mortal frames.
Realization of Glorious Vision
Outwardly self should maintain in the best possible posture if our souls are to acquire satisfaction and enunciation pronouncing the lingua franca of our actual reality. Imagine that we can be
who we are destined to be. Furthermore, it may be living in a utopia, reading the fables of heroes who conquered the halo of glee. In a place, you could flee and see that life led with harmony is
to awaken our minds with a capacity to behold for ourselves the essence of living in
pleasantly pure perfection.
Moreover, we should learn from the master of the righteous who inspired
people of all religions, kinds, friends, or foes, apparently blessed with fair or dark skin,
from native to a foreigner. It may look an invitation to live the waking dream of a poetic
method. As well as, It is achievable by striving, which bestows man with the virtue of refining his
actions. Listening to the answer of his anxious self, harmonizing his body and mind
holding the finest soul was an aim. Why not to realize that it is useless to wander and
stray from believing in the truth of holding the actual beauty standards? In fact the soul is
the sole purpose of a glorious vision.
Thoughtful and moralistic, fairly written.
Heaven thank you.
Aoa. Amna Saqid, Very beautifully explained. This topic needed much light which you have very justly given. Very knowledgeable article.
Asif Inayat
thank you uncle.