Register PEC and Rescue us from Unemployment – Daily Notable
Letter to the Editor Daily Notable
Dear Editor
I am pursuing the third year in Chemical Engineering at Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science and Technology(QUEST) at Nawabshah in Sindh. The Department of Chemical Engineering at QUEST, Nawabshah, established in 2013.
Similarly, though our Chemical department is engineering department yet it is not registered on the list of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). As a result, PEC is paying improper heed to this unbridled issue to resolve this issue.
Because Only Together We Can
In the same way, although the QUEST university has fulfilled all registration requirements such as laboratory equipment, computer labs, well research based qualified faculty members and socially active apprentices. PEC, it didn’t response well to eradicate this issue.

The department laboratories will impart the practical knowledge in the field and will carry out good deal of research and development in the area of chemical engineering. Presently, department offers four year undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering.
The focus of undergraduate program is to teach students the basic skills of problem solving, critical analysis, participating in teamwork and resourcefulness particularly in areas of design, manufacturing, operations, management and maintenance of an industrial plant and a laboratory involving chemical and biochemical processes.
It will also deal with bio-chemical, environmental and material problems. In developing the program it has been ensured that our students are at par with students from other world class universities.
Available facilities
Two computer labs fully equipped are available for students for this department. In these labs more than 50 latest PCs connected with an internet and digital library are available to access the latest literature and scientific findings. Efforts are being made to arrange more PCs with enhanced specification and video conferencing in this department for faculty members and students as well.
Moreover, the seminar library established with all necessary books, research journals, articles, magazines, news and letters are available for use of students and faculty members of the chemical engineering department.
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In the same way, Thermodynamics laboratory. Engineering Materials. And Fluid Mechanics laboratories, Environmental Engineering laboratory and many other laboratories are also available in our department.
Our University has fulfilled all these facilities and requirements to get registration.
Consequences over students
Hundreds of the students have graduated from this university in Chemical Engineering since passing out year 2017-18. They didn’t get any good job in their field. Because, PEC registration is must for getting good jobs in any private as well as government industries.
On the one hand, pursuing students are mentally and psychologically disturbed for their future; on the other, graduated students are in the midst of unemployment.
It’s our right to be register on PEC list. So, chemical family wants justice. It is our slogan for our right ‘We want justice’ and rescue us from unemployment by PEC registration.
By and large, It’s humble request to PEC Chairman Engr. Jawed Salim Qureshi and Voice Chancellor of our university to take effective steps to curtail this issue out. If this issue can not resolved, students’ future will not have bright.
Rahib Ali Rind
NawabShah Sindh
Thanks for publishing my “letter to editor” in “The Daily Notable Newspaper”
Abstract of this letter is that Chemical Engineering students of Quaid-e-Awam Univeristy of Engineering Science and technology (QUEST), Nawabshah arefacing PEC registration issue. Requesting to PEC Chairman and VS of QUESt to resolve this issue.
Thank you
“We want justice” “we we want PEC”
We will get registration soon
We Want PEC registration.
InshaAllah we will
First of all i appreciate my brother Rahib Ali Rind, Dear you are really doing good work, keep it up bro
The registration of PEC in engineering departments is necessary to get job after graduation but unfortunately students of the department of Chemical Engineering QUEST Nawbshah are still waiting for being PEC registered.
We request Chairman PEC and VC of QUEST Nawabshah, Kindly resolve this issue and make our future safe
Thanks dear brother
We want Justice
We want PEC registration
We want PEC registration
Yes bro
We want Justice
We want jistice We want PEC
Ofcourse dear
We want justice, we want PEC registration
InshaAllah we will
we want justice, we want PEC Registration
We want Justice
Yes bro
We want pec registration
Yes bro. We want Justice
Register Quest Campus…
We Want Justice
Register Register
We want Justice
We want PEC registration