Social Challenges In Our Society – Daily Notable
- Social Challenges In Our Society
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Rape Culture in Society
1. Social Challenges in Our Society
- Illiteracy
- Terrorism
- Poverty
- Corruption
- Overpopulation
- Health Crisis
2. Child Sexual Abuse
- What is Child Sexual Abuse
- Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse
- Reasons of Child Sexual Abuse
- Preventing Child From Sexual Abuse Responsibility of parents and society
- How to Educate Child For prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
- Teach them about private body parts and body boundaries
- Talk about body parts early
- Body secrets are not okay
- No-one should take pictures of private parts
- Teach your child how to get out of scary situations
- Give your child a code word for difficult situation
- Tell your children that they will never be in trouble if they tell you a body secret
No-one should be private with them except parents
3. Rape Culture in Society
- History of Rape Culture
- How to Reduce Risks
- Engage your intuition Pay attention to anyone suspicious
- Look for real exits
- Eliminate your Blind Spots
- Improvised weapons Don’t be too predictable
- Speak up: If you see something, say something
- How To Fend Of An Attacker
- It’s a Story of Strength
- Me Too Movement
About the Author
Dr Atta ul Wadood is Lahore based Journalist and Social activist.
He is a Literary Icon, Journalist, Peace Activist, Columnist, Writer, Organizer Of Literary Activities and a Friend of Literature.
He is working for eradication of Polio and Human Rights activist.
He is founder and member of many clubs, executive / Board member of various Libraries in United Kingdom.
As a social worker he always works for the betterment of the society and is currently founder and CEO of Notable Group.
He has visited around 38 Countries and chose to serve in Pakistan.
What’s app: +92 333 4582425
I am working as Journalist since 2010 with various institutions and while performing professional duties I recognized that there are certain challenges with in society which as an individual I cannot combat.
After recognizing these challenges with few other friends some from abroad and some within Pakistan I formed Notable Society World Wide to combat social challenges world wide as supreme head of Notable Society, I have done some work regarding social challenges in Pakistan, Child Sexual Abuse and its preventions and Rape culture in our society.
In the work regarding preparation of this book I thank my family members specially my wife Razia Naheed who stood by my side the whole time and taken charge of duties other than household in order to make me comfortable, my friends Zia Chawla and each and every person who helped me for this Notable cause.
Social Challenges of Pakistan
An Overview:
Pakistan is a country full of natural resources with a population of about 200 million people and more than 70 years of independence, but still not respected in the global community. Despite being blessed with vital geographical location, ideal climate rich in minerals and natural resources, Pakistan is yet a developing country with limited development in every era due to the problems it faces.
There are mighty challenges like illiteracy, extremism, corruption, terrorism, political instability, poverty, malnutrition and pollution which need to be tackled for making Pakistan a stable, progressive, moderate and democratic country.
Majority of its population is living in rural areas without basic necessities of life. It is a country where financial gap between rich and poor is widening day by day. From the last 10 years, extremism is increasing. Almost every kind of problem exists in Pakistan, including electricity load-shedding, bad economy, less educational facilities, poor health facilities, inflation and no pure water in many parts. These problems exist in Pakistan since its creation and still persists.
Let’s discuss some of the contemporary problems faced by the country.
1) Illiteracy:
Education is considered as the cheapest defense of a nation. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan says, “The state of Pakistan shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period.”
With a population of 170 million, Pakistan bears the burden of one of the most illiterate countries of Asia. About half of the male population is illiterate and two third of the female population can’t even write their names. The literacy rate for Pakistan stood at 58 per cent during the year 2017, which is two per cent less than the previous year. The primary completion rate in Pakistan, given by Date Center of UNESCO, is 33.8% in females and 47.18% in males, which shows that people here are unable to get the basic education.
In our surrounding region, Pakistan’s literacy rate is only a little better than Nepal and Bangladesh, which have literacy rates of 49 and 43 percent respectively. Even India has a 61 percent literacy rate, despite its enormous population.
According to a report by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) “the number of school-age children in Pakistan is 50,158,104 out of which 37 per cent are unable to attend school”
This problem exists due to:
- Lack of political will, which can be seen due to insignificant amount of budget allocated towards education It is only 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the total GDP,
- Delays in the passing of funds, and institutional inefficiency and corruption.
- Lack of sufficient infrastructure in the form of school buildings and facilities,
- Low professional capacity of teachers due to the non-availability of proper training institutes,
- Uneven teacher-student ratios,
- Lack of teaching aids,.
- Unequal education system,
- Different medium of instruction in Public and private sector.
Development in the education sector is now mandatory to uplift the society and to eliminate the issues of radicalism and division. Only an educated nation can survive and combat with its issues because every dawn comes after darkness.
2) Terrorism:
Pakistan plays a key and highly conflicted-role in the global war on terror. The whole world looks at Pakistan, as a land of terrorists. Terrorism is threatening the very roots and fabric of Pakistan’s nationhood.
Terrorism in Pakistan according to Ministry of Interior, poses a significant threat to the people of Pakistan. The current wave of terrorism is believed to have started in 2000. The current wave of terrorism peaked during 2009. Since then it has drastically declined as result of military operations conducted by Pakistan Army. According to South Asian Terrorism Portal Index (SATP), terrorism in Pakistan has declined by 89% in 2017 since its peak years in 2009.
Due to internal traitors and anti-Pakistan forces, despite sacrificing more than 60,000 civilians, 6,000 security personnel and spending 120 billion dollars in the war against terror, Pakistan has not yet won that war. A report, Body Count: Casualty Figures after 10 Years of the ‘War on Terror’ was released by the Nobel Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, along with Physicians for Social Responsibility and Physicians for Global Survival; it said at least 80,000 Pakistanis, including 45 journalists, 5,498 Pakistani security forces, have been killed in the US-led war on terror.
No doubt, the Pakistan army has broken down the power and annihilated the sanctuaries of the militants in the tribal and Northern areas during the Zarb-e-Azb and Raadul Fisaad operations. But, the militants have not yet been fully defeated.
During 1989-2017 total 3,062 incidents of sectarian violence have taken place, during which 5,681 persons were killed and more than 11,181 have been wounded. Poor law and order situation is suitable for the promotion of terrorism. More than 70,000 individuals have victimized in Pakistan. Moreover, since 1979, FATA remained infamous as a nursery of terrorism. Pakistan being the alley of US in War against terrorism paid a huge cost in sense of financial and the damage of human lives which however nurtured terrorism and anti-America sentiments among the affected masses as the prolonged war is witnessed by the generation born during the war that had nothing to do with the terrorism. Total 62,500 individuals died in terrorist attacks since 2003, resulting in brain drainage, lack of foreign investments, a weak economy and political instability in Pakistan.
There are also many external forces like India’s RAW, the Afghan NDS, Israel’s MOSSAD and America’s CIA which are trying their level best to destabilise Pakistan. These evil forces are hatching many conspiracies to halt the CPEC project and capture, or neutralize, the atomic weapons programme of Pakistan. The most tragic thing is that there are many traitors who are supporting these evil external forces. In fact, there are many religious and political leaders who are following the instructions and plans of the external forces in Pakistan.
There are many steps which could be taken to minimize the effect of terrorism such as:
- The real solution is to kill the root of Terrorism and systematically change the attitude of those peoples who are involved in terrorism
- The religious authorities should teach the religious principles and not the ‘biased philosophies.
- An efficient International Agency of Crimes Control should be introduced by the UNO.
- Education can stop the terrorism.
- Military operations against terrorists are also very necessary.
3) Poverty:
Poverty also producing a social crisis in native society and is one of a social problem of Pakistan with the fact that most of the people have limited economic resources and their standard of living is low. According to an analysis conducted by the government of Pakistan and published at hec. Gov .pk (the higher education commission of Pakistan) shows that the poverty has increased roughly from 30% to 40% during the past decade. Consider that if 40%of a country’s population is earning their life below the poverty-line in which the people are deprived of basic necessities of life such as clothing, shelter, food, education and medication, such families and their children will be forced to think of their survival only.
The people are deprived of basic necessities like food, shelter, education, medication etc. according to the report, nearly 39% of Pakistanis live in multidimensional poverty, with the highest rates of poverty in FATA and Baluchistan. Pakistan’s MPI showed strong decline with national poverty rates falling from 55% to 39% from 2004 to 2015.
According to Wikipedia As of 2017, the Asian Development Bank reports that there are approximately 210 million people living in Pakistan. In 2011, 12.4% of Pakistanis live below in Pakistan’s definition of poverty. Statistics vary due to the definition of poverty. According to the World Bank, poverty in Pakistan fell from 64.3% in 2002 to 29.5% in 2014. Pakistan has made substantial progress in reducing poverty giving it the second lowest headcount poverty rate in South Asia.
4) Corruption:
Corruption is one of most alarming issues of Pakistan where it has routed down in government institutions so much so that cannot be eliminated easily following the stakes of powerful bureaucrats and corrupt politicians.
It is interesting to note that due to the international interference and manipulation the same people that we label as corrupt and blame and rebuke during their governing period, return to govern us after a couple of years again and people welcome them with open arms.
In corruption, Pakistan was at 116th position among 176 countries in 2016. The increasing nepotism and corruption are abruptly harmful for the development of Pakistan.
Corrupt politicians, bureaucracy, administration and accountability institutes could not confiscate the corruption because this system is suitable for them. President Parvez Musharaf formed the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in 2002 to eliminate corrupt practices but politicians politicized this institution for their own purposes.
Accountability courts and particularly lower courts are under the influence of hegemony and politicians which fail to provide justice to lower. Delaying justice, flaws in the judicial system, unlawful tactics are the common practices. The police department which is responsible to maintain law and order is the most corrupt institution of the Country.
There is a growing need to reform accountability and anti-corruption policies at higher levels within the state government. One effort in this regard has been the proposal of using artificial intelligence to sniff corruption in civil bureaucracy.
5) Overpopulation:
Overpopulation is another prime concern in the development of Pakistan as it emerged in the preliminary Census Report of 2017, ranking Pakistan the world’s 6th most populous country with more than 200 million inhabitants while in 1955 it was ranked 14th. This means that Pakistan has 2.7% of world’s total population
According to the census of 1998, Pakistani has an estimated 2.6% growth rate and there might be a risk that this rate is more expanding now a days. This means that a country with a population of 210 Million turns out to be roughly around 4.2 Million every year. According to a study, 40% of the population is already living under poverty line and 5.6% of the population is unemployed. This alarming growth rate is causing immense pressure on the heads who are sole supporters of their families.
The growing population has a negative impact on the country reserves and fewer job opportunities, lack of facilities, fewer resources and weak infrastructure augment the crisis. For this, a family planning emergency must be triggered and must be enforced.
6) Health Crisis:
Among many deteriorating sectors, Pakistan is also struggling in health system, positioning at 122nd rank out of 190 countries in a World Health Organization performance report. Pakistan’s health crisis includes rising rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which directly affect poor families, with possible side effects of disability and premature death, and worsening poverty as people pay for medical treatment out of their own pockets. Furthermore, dreaded diseases such as dengue and Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fevers have been reported from the field, along with measles encephalitis and neonatal tetanus
In our country, 3.5pc of the GDP is spent on health and 2.8pc goes to education (as per budget 2016-17).
The main health issues are due to lack of awareness, poor diet, water pollution and hygiene problems leading to communicable and non-communicable diseases. Poor medical facilities are also resulting in health deterioration of underprivileged people of Pakistan.
There are a lot of other social issues and challenges which Pakistan is facing at the moment, the detail of which will lengthen the topic. Just keeping the above mentioned topics in mind, we, as a nation, are responsible for the increase in the miseries and issues of our beloved Country. Changes in the mindsets, modern education, strong integration, national unity and suitable economic policies are the needs of the time. Now Pakistan is on a sensitive edge and any dismissive approach can damage its strength and solidarity. The country is in jeopardy not only by external forces but internals too. Development in the education sector is now mandatory to uplift the society and to eliminate the issues of radicalism and division. In this regard, the vision advised and saying of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah should be a solution of the agonies of Pakistan.
Child Sexual Abuse
Reasons and Preventions
What is Child Abuse?
Child abuse or child maltreatment is when a parent or caregiver, whether through physical, sexual, and/or psychological maltreatment causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. There are many forms of child maltreatment, including neglect, physical abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse but today we will discuss the most dangerous form of child abuse which is child sexual abuse and when a perpetrator engages with a child this way, they are committing a crime that can have lasting effects on the victim for years.
The definition of child sexual abuse formulated by the 1999 WHO Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention (62) which stated that: “Child sexual abuse is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violates the laws or social taboos of society.
In simple words, Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse that includes sexual activity with a minor. Child sexual abuse can occur in a variety of settings, including home, school, or work (in places where child labor is common). According to UNICEF, Child marriage is one of the main forms of child sexual abuse which represents perhaps the most prevalent form of sexual abuse and exploitation of girls”.
A study indicates that the global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 7.9% for males and 19.7% for females. According to a research 30-40% of sexual abuse offenders are child’s relatives, around 50% are abused by someone outside of the family whom they know and trust e.g. friend of the family, babysitters, or neighbors and Less than 10% of child victims are abused by strangers.
Sexual abuse of children includes:
- Making a child view a sex act
- Making children perform a sex act
- Exhibitionism, or exposing oneself to a minor
- Masturbation in the presence of a minor or forcing the minor to masturbate
- Producing, owning, or sharing pornographic images or movies of children
- Inappropriate sexual talk
- Fondling and oral sex
- Exploitation
- Sex of any kind with a minor, including vaginal, oral, or anal
- Sex trafficking
- Any other sexual conduct that is harmful to a child’s mental, emotional, or physical welfare
Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse:
The sexual abuse of children is a unique phenomenon; and its dynamics differs from that of adult sexual abuse. Features that characterize child sexual abuse include:
- The perpetrator tries to manipulate the child’s trust and hide the abuse and physical force is very rarely used.
- The perpetrator is typically a known and trusted caregiver.
- Child sexual abuse often occurs over many weeks or even years.
- The sexual abuse of children frequently occurs as repeated episodes that become more invasive with time. Perpetrators usually engage the child in a gradual process of sexualizing the relationship over time (i.e. grooming).
- Incest abuse accounts for about one third of all child sexual abuse cases.
Some Facts About The Dynamics Of Child Sexual Abuse
Below are some astonishing statistics and information gathered by a national non-profit organization namely “Darkness to Light”, whose basic mission is to prevent child sexual abuse. According to its study:
- 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.
- There are an estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in America today.
- The median age for reported abuse is 9 years old.
- More than 20% of children are sexually abused before the age of 8.
- Nearly 50% of all victims are children under 12.
Reasons of Child Sexual Abuse:
Have you ever ponder what are the reasons of Child Sexual Abuse? Well, the study reveals that a condition in which an adult is attracted to children, whether the attraction is acted upon or not is called as pedophilia. A person with this attraction is called a pedophile. This means that Pedophiles are individuals who prefer sexual contact with children to adults. They are usually skilled at planning and executing strategies to involve themselves with children. There is evidence to suggest that pedophiles may share their information about children (e.g. child pornography). This can occur at an international level, particularly through the use of the Internet.
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse:
Responsibilities of Parents and Society:
Child sexual abuse exploits and degrades children and can cause serious damage to cognitive, social, and emotional development of a child. As a society, we have a collective responsibility to prevent child sexual abuse. To accomplish this, we must initiate and support services and policies that enhance children’s development, health and safety and we must advocate for policies and programs to help meet the basic needs of children and families.
We as a society must raise awareness of the unacceptability of child sexual abuse, and promoting the notion that stopping child sexual abuse is everyone’s responsibility.
All adults and adolescents need to know that child sexual abuse is a crime and that children can never consent to sexual activity.
Further, a comprehensive prevention strategy should include increase of parents’ and other caregivers’ awareness and knowledge of protective measures they can take on behalf of their children.
The wide dissemination of accurate information to the public, especially to policymakers, will help break the silence and taboo that surrounds child sexual abuse, and may facilitate the formulation of effective solutions to the problem.
Child abuse prevention programs must primarily focused on educating preschool and elementary school children on how to recognize instances of abuse and teaching them personal safety skills.
Programs may also focus on helping children who are victims of past or ongoing sexual abuse by encouraging them to disclose such incidents to parents or other responsible adults.
Many experts are concerned that even when children retain the knowledge acquired through child sexual abuse prevention programs, such children are incapable of resisting abusive behavior directed at them by older and stronger offenders. Such concerns seem valid as approximately 40 percent of child sexual abuse victims are aged 6 and younger, and thus may be especially impressionable and vulnerable to victimization.
One such approach includes widespread and intensive public education, such as the use of media campaigns, to increase adults’ awareness and knowledge of child sexual abuse and to teach actions adults can take to protect children. The signals of child sexual abuse are often subtle and frequently defy detection even by knowledgeable parents and seasoned professionals.
Additional efforts are needed, including parent education in methods for reducing the risk of child sexual abuse and training for professionals and other caregivers who work with children to recognize and appropriately respond to sexually reactive behavior. In addition, training and education of parents, caregivers, and professionals must also focus on what to do when a child discloses sexual abuse, how to report sexual abuse, and how to respond to the child’s needs when disclosure is made.
Moreover, Children who have been sexually abused may face severe and long-term psychological consequences. Mental health services, especially if timely, can help ease some of these consequences. Mental health services to those engaging in abusive behavior can help them address stressors that often lead to sexual abuse, helping end such abuse.
How to Educate Child for prevention of Child Sexual Abuse:
Educating your young ones could help them be less vulnerable to sexual abuse. Some of the methods are as follows:
- Talk about body parts early:
Name body parts to child and talk about them from their early age. Feeling comfortable using the proper names for body parts and knowing what they mean can help a child talk clearly if something inappropriate happens.
- Teach them about private body parts & body boundaries
A child must be educated that their private parts are called private because they are not for everyone to see. Tell your child that no one should touch their private parts and that no one should ask them to touch somebody else’s private parts. The second part of this sentence is often neglected which results in a chaos.
- Body secrets are not okay.
Most perpetrators will tell the child to keep the abuse a secret. This can be done in a friendly way, such as, “I love playing with you, but if you tell anyone else what we played they won’t let me come over again.” Or it can be a threat: “This is our secret. If you tell anyone I will tell them it was your idea and you will get in big trouble!” Tell your kids that no matter what anyone tells them, body secrets are not okay and they should always tell you if someone tries to make them keep a body secret.
- No one should take pictures of private parts.
There is a huge numbers of pedophiles who love to take and trade pictures of naked children online. Tell your kids that no one should ever take pictures of their private parts.
- Teach your child how to get out of scary situations.
Some children are uncomfortable with telling people “no”— especially older peers or adults. Tell them that it’s okay to tell an adult they have to leave, if something that feels wrong is happening, and help give them words to get out of uncomfortable situations.
- Give your child a code word for difficult situation:
As children get a little bit older, you can give them a code word that they can use when they are feeling unsafe.
- Tell your children they will never be in trouble if they tell you a body secret.
A fear often used by the perpetrator is that children often thought they would get in trouble. Tell your child that no matter what happens, they will never get in trouble after telling about body safety or body secrets.
- No one should be private with them except parents:
Last but not least point to discuss with your child is that all these rules apply even with people they know and even with another child. You can say something like, “Mama and daddy might touch your private parts while cleaning but no one else should touch you there. Not friends, not aunts or uncles, not teachers or coaches. Even if you like them or think they are in charge, they should still not touch your private parts.”
I am not naïve enough to believe that these discussions will absolutely prevent sexual abuse, but knowledge is a powerful deterrent, especially with young children who are targeted due to their innocence and ignorance in this area.
And one discussion is not enough. Find natural times to reiterate these messages, such as bath time or when they are running around naked. And please share this information with those you love and care about and help us spread the message of body safety!
Remember we can arm kids with knowledge that might save them from being victimized.
Rape Culture in Society
Rape culture is a sociological concept and is defined as an environment or society whose social attitudes have the effect of trivializing or normalizing sexual assault and abuse. Some people believe that this normalization of rape culture or rape in general doesn’t exist; however, some are fairly confident that it does.
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Under these pretenses, some behaviors are commonly associated with the rape culture which includes sexual objectification, slut-shaming, trivializing rape, denial of widespread rape, victim blaming, refusing to acknowledge the harm done by sexual violence, or some combination of these.
History of Rape Culture
In the beginning of the 1970s, the term “rape culture” was coined in the USA by the second-wave feminists, and was applied to modern American culture as a whole. Although there are cultures where rape is pervasive, critics of the concept disputes the existence of rape culture at all.
During the 1970s, the second-wave feminists began engaging in consciousness-raising efforts which was designed to educate the public about the prevalence of rape. According to the Canadian psychology professor, Alexandra Rutherford, most Americans before this thoughts that rape, incest, and wife-beating rarely happened.
This concept of rape culture propounded the notion that rape was normal and common in American culture, and that it was one extreme manifestation of pervasive societal misogyny and sexism. Before this, rape was defined as a crime of sex, but after this notion rape was rather defined as a crime of violence, and the focus of rape shifted from desire for sexual pleasure to one of intimidation, male domination, and a sense of control over gender norms.
The first published use of the term “rape culture” appears in the book edited by Noreen Connell and Cassandra Wilson for the New York Radical Feminists in 1974, Rape: The First Sourcebook for Women.
Susan Brownmiller’s book in 1975, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape, alongside the Rape: The First Sourcebook for Women, was among the earliest to include first-person accounts of rape.
Joyce E. Williams, Sociology professor, traces the origin of the term “rape culture” to the 1975 documentary film Rape Culture – produced and directed by Margaret Lazarus and Renner Wunderlich for Cambridge Documentary Films.
How to Reduce Risks?
One of the best ways to prevent violence is to develop the ability to have a Positive Situational Awareness – being more aware of your surroundings in a non-paranoid, tactical way, in an effort that you can be alert but not overly paranoid to the point that you miss out on amazing moments of your life.
Violence Prevention Tactics are some of the techniques you can opt for in order to be aware of your surroundings and to guide you in becoming a hard target! Oh, and remember this, the one defense you are guaranteed to win is the one that you can avoid, prevent, or diffuse.
Let’s start with some of the great ways to immediately increase your situational awareness so that you can take notice of survival elements around you.
- Engage Your Intuition
Listen to your instincts. It is one thing to recognize something out of place, or potentially dangerous, but to not listen to your intuition and react, might miss you the one opportunity to defend yourself or get to the safe place.
- Pay Attention to Anyone Suspicious
Suspicious activities are deep to happen but we tend to avoid them thinking it’s nothing; but they are something. Pay attention to anyone suspicious and immediately look at the hands of the suspicious one to see if they are armed or not; also make sure to scan for people hiding in certain scenarios – such as under a car In a parking lot.
- Look for Real Exits
Sure there is a red Exit sign over the door telling you it’s the exit but it doesn’t mean it will lead you to a safe place. It’s important to always know your exits – where they exist and where they lead you – so you don’t find yourself in a staircase defending against a close quarter scenario, or find yourself waiting for an elevator door to open in time of an emergency.
- Eliminate Your Blind Spots
One of the best ways to be a hard target is to eliminate any chances of someone creeping behind you and catching you off guard. Some ways to eliminate the blind spots is to place your back on a wall if possible, use reflective surfaces behind you, sit in a corner seat at a restaurant if it’s available, and sidewalk to see when someone is approaching you and potentially following you.
- Improvised Weapons
Transforming everyday objects into weapons can be creatively used to defend yourself. Some of the great examples include chairs, pens, umbrellas, keys, and even magazines. Quick thinking, savage instincts, and a surly survival mindset can be used with these improvised self-defense weapons to take find yourself in a better chance.
- Don’t Be Too Predictable
Don’t be too predictable of what your next move will be. If someone is following you or uoi are facing a stalking threat, the best routine is no routine. Switch up the variables in your life such as travel timings and routes for activities; and don’t forget to notify your local authorities – the next point.
- Speak Up: If You See Something, Say Something
If you got home safe but saw something out of place or possibly dangerous, let the authorities know. Whether it was a suspicious person, a suspicious package, or an act of violence, we all need to work together to make our community a safer place because you never know when speaking up will save a life.
How to Fend Off an Attacker?
There are plenty of ways to defend yourself if you get caught up in an unlikely situation. First of all, remember that every part of your body, everything on you, and everything around you has the potential to be used as a weapon.
Now that you have scanned the area, there are many ways to go for it. First, if it’s a crowded place or anyone that could hear you, scream! Screaming can draw attention, even random people who can save you, and this has the potential to even scare the attacker away.
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Second way would be to go for it. If the attacker is launching an attack, block or dodge it because no defense tactic would work if you are knocked out so you have to stay in your senses. Now with the improvised weapons upon your disposal, you can either try to use them aim or use your body to aim and attack the sensitive areas of the attacker’s body such as face, stomach, groin, knee, shin, and instep; and NEVER kick your attacker in the groin (because this gives them a chance to grab hold of your leg), rather use your knee repeatedly.
Third, last on this list but certainly not the least of the ways out, is to run to the safe place – possibly somewhere crowded where people can help or if you have a friend’s or your house (hopefully you’re not home alone) nearby. Run to a safe place, and remember not to panic and use sane mind to think against the mindset of the attacker. And don’t forget to alert your closer family and the local authorities about it.
It’s a Story of Strength!
1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted during their college years. 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men are raped during their lifetime. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before reaching the age of 18.
Sexual assault doesn’t always look like you would expect it to. Yes, it can be someone forcing, threatening, grabbing, and hurting. A scary stranger from a party or in a dark alleyway, a villain. But more often than not, it’s a friend, a classmate, a significant other, manipulative and coercive, no hard force necessary. Sometimes the threat isn’t made outright but instead felt.
Sometimes there is no violence, just fear.
Caught up in a vulnerable state, a feeling that corresponds the need of saving, is how things go down. One day you’re close to someone, then all of a sudden verbal abuse, wrapping in the words you don’t want to wear; one thing leading to another until you are frozen and too scared to face the reality.
You try to bury it deep down inside our soul, trying not to tell anyone, and repeating to yourself that it isn’t a big deal, that you still have the rest of your life (and you do dear). But far too often we sit with our pain and think that if we talk about it, we will be pushed further away from the love and understanding we seek.
#MeToo Movement
The #MeToo Movement, with various other local and international alternative names, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault which began to spread virally in the midst of 2017 as a hashtag over the social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.
Against the rape culture, this movement has found its strong grounds and has made an impact imprisoning the rapists and making a trend over the various social media platforms. This is the first of its kind movement which actually gave the freedom to the victims to not be ashamed for the deeds that they shouldn’t be held responsible for, but to speak up for themselves and get justice as they deserve it.
Let’s hope in the coming times, more movements and widespread audience gathers so that we can finally put an end to the rape culture.
We need to be very careful from all these things, It’s time to act smart. Right now we are ruled by the oppressors and it is foolish to expect justice from these people. If we do not act wisely at this time, then we can do a lot of damage to ourselves.